How Far Should You Be Able to Run Without Stopping? Distance sorted by age

Teens (13-19 years): Most healthy teens should aim to run at least 2-3 miles without stopping, depending on fitness levels.

20s (20-29 years): Adults in their 20s, with regular training, should be able to run 3-5 miles without a break.

30s (30-39 years): By the 30s, many can comfortably run 3-4 miles without stopping, depending on overall fitness and training.

40s (40-49 years): Running 2-4 miles without stopping is achievable for most people in their 40s with consistent exercise.

50s (50-59 years): In your 50s, 2-3 miles is a reasonable target, but it may take longer to build endurance.


60s (60-69 years): Many in their 60s can aim for 1-2 miles, with a focus on gradual endurance-building.

70s and Beyond: It’s still possible to run 1-2 miles with proper conditioning, but most will aim for walking or brisk walking.

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