Choose the Right Time Prune your money tree in the spring or early summer when it's actively growing. Avoid pruning during dormancy in fall or winter to prevent stress.
Use Clean, Sharp Tools Always use sterilized pruning shears or scissors to make clean cuts. This helps prevent infections and promotes faster healing.
Trim Overgrown Branches Identify long, leggy, or uneven branches and trim them back to maintain a balanced shape. Cut just above a leaf node to encourage new growth.
Remove Dead or Yellow Leaves Snip off any wilted, yellow, or damaged leaves at the base. This improves air circulation and prevents disease.
Shape for Desired Growth If you want a bushier plant, trim the top leaves to encourage side growth. For a taller plant, focus on lower branch trimming.
Monitor and Maintain After pruning, keep the plant in bright, indirect light and water it properly. Regularly check for new growth and make minor trims as needed.