7 Signs That Your Dog Fully Trusts You

They Make Eye Contact with You Dogs avoid eye contact with people they don’t trust. If your dog holds gentle, relaxed eye contact with you, it’s a sign of deep trust and affection.

They Sleep Near You (or on You!) Dogs are most vulnerable when they sleep. If your pup chooses to sleep beside you or even on your lap, it means they feel completely safe in your presence.

They Expose Their Belly to You A dog’s belly is one of the most sensitive areas. If your dog rolls over and lets you rub their tummy, they trust you enough to be vulnerable around you.

They Follow You Around A dog that follows you from room to room isn’t just curious—it’s a sign of attachment and trust. They see you as their leader and feel safe in your company.

They Lean Against You When a dog leans their body against you, it’s a sign they feel secure and comfortable. This gesture is like a dog’s version of a hug!

They Bring You Their Favorite Toy Dogs treasure their toys, and if they bring one to you, it’s not just an invitation to play—it’s a sign of trust and a way of sharing something they love.

They Remain Calm When You Leave and Return A dog that trusts you won’t panic when you leave the house. Instead, they wait patiently, knowing you’ll always come back, and greet you with excitement when you do.


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