7 Subtle Differences Between Male and Female Cats You Should Know Before Adopting

Size & Build – Male cats are generally larger and more muscular, while females tend to be smaller and more slender.

Personality & Affection Levels – Male cats are often more social and affectionate, seeking attention and cuddles. – Female cats can be more independent and reserved, especially if not spayed.

Territorial Behavior – Unneutered males are more likely to mark their territory with urine. – Females can also be territorial but tend to mark less often.

Playfulness & Energy Levels – Male cats are usually more playful and active, even into adulthood. – Females can be playful but may be more cautious and calculated in their movements.

Vocalization & Heat Cycles – Female cats in heat can be extremely vocal and restless. – Males may also be loud when seeking a mate but tend to roam more.

Grooming & Cleanliness – Female cats are often more meticulous groomers, keeping themselves extra clean. – Males, especially unneutered ones, can be a bit less tidy.

Longevity & Health – Female cats tend to live longer on average, possibly due to fewer risk-taking behaviors. – Males, especially unneutered ones, face higher risks of fights and injuries.


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