Lykoi (Werewolf Cat) – This rare breed has a patchy, wolf-like coat due to a natural genetic mutation, giving it a spooky yet adorable look.
Khao Manee – Known as the "Diamond Eye Cat" from Thailand, this breed has striking blue or odd-colored eyes and pure white fur.
Selkirk Rex – Often called the "Sheep Cat," this breed has naturally curly, plush fur that makes it look like a tiny lamb.
Turkish Van – Famous for its love of water, this cat has a unique white coat with colored markings on its head and tail.
Peterbald – A rare, hairless breed from Russia with a slender body and large ears, often compared to the Sphynx but with a softer coat.
Caracal – A wild-looking, exotic cat with tufted ears and incredible agility, often mistaken for a wild feline but domesticated in some cases.
Minskin – A tiny, dwarf-like cat with short legs and sparse fur, resulting from a mix between the Sphynx and Munchkin breeds.