Squats: A fundamental exercise that targets the glutes, helping to tone and lift the buttocks.
Lunges: Forward, reverse, and side lunges work the glutes and legs, promoting muscle growth and shaping.
Hip Thrusts: This move isolates the glutes, offering maximum activation for bigger, stronger buttocks.
Glute Bridges: Lying on your back and lifting your hips helps activate the glutes for toning and strengthening.
Deadlifts: This compound exercise works the entire posterior chain, including the glutes, for muscle-building results.
Step-Ups: Stepping onto a bench or platform engages the glutes and quads, improving muscle definition.
Bulgarian Split Squats: A single-leg exercise that focuses on the glutes while also improving balance and coordination.
Kettlebell Swings: This dynamic movement targets the glutes and helps improve strength and endurance.