How Many Push Ups should you be able to do? Amount sorted by age

General Guideline: The number of push-ups a person should be able to do varies by age, fitness level, and gender, with general standards helping assess strength and endurance.

Age 20-29: For men, 35-40 push-ups is considered a good target, while women should aim for 15-20 push-ups.

Age 30-39: Men should be able to do 30-35 push-ups, and women should aim for 10-15 push-ups as a general benchmark.

Age 40-49: Men should target 25-30 push-ups, with women aiming for 8-12 push-ups to maintain upper body strength.


Age 50-59: For men, 20-25 push-ups is a good range, while women should strive for 5-10 push-ups for optimal fitness.

Age 60+: Men in this age group should aim for 15-20 push-ups, while women should aim for 5-8 push-ups, focusing on maintaining muscle strength and endurance.

Push-Up Variations: To increase strength and avoid injury, mix up standard push-ups with variations like knee push-ups or incline push-ups, especially if you're building up your endurance.

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