Current Record for Longevity The longest verified human lifespan is 122 years and 164 days, achieved by Jeanne Calment of France.
Average vs. Maximum Life Expectancy While the global average life expectancy is around 73 years, some scientists estimate the absolute human limit to be 120–150 years.
Genetic Factors Play a Role Genetics significantly influence longevity, with some individuals inheriting genes that promote cellular repair and slow aging.
Lifestyle and Longevity Diet, exercise, stress management, and medical advancements can extend lifespan, though they may not surpass biological limits.
Scientific Theories on Lifespan Limits Aging research suggests that human cells lose function over time due to telomere shortening and oxidative stress, capping life expectancy.
Future Possibilities for Lifespan Extension Advances in biotechnology, stem cells, and anti-aging treatments could push human lifespans beyond 150 years in the future.